There are several common causes of back pain. The most common cause for back pain is a change in posture or a poor sitting position over a long period of time, such as long working hours at a desk or sitting at a counter for many hours during the day. This poor sitting position puts pressure on the spinal column and the discs, which cushions for your vertebrae. In the event of a change in sitting position, you need to sit in a neutral position to avoid strain on your back. If you are suffering from back pain due to poor posture, you may want to try some exercises to strengthen your back muscles and to improve your posture.
Other causes of back ache include bad eating habits, smoking, lack of exercise, too much alcohol, and poor posture. It’s good to make an effort to maintain good posture and to try to avoid bad habits. You should try to improve your posture if you find that your sitting position is uncomfortable or worse, if it gets you pain every time you try to straighten up. You should try to practice good posture at least once a day, and always ensure that you keep the spine properly aligned during your daily activities.
Back pain is frequently associated with other medical conditions such as fatigue, kidney problems, muscle cramps, and other back injuries. If you want to enjoy a better back health, you should pay attention to your posture and make sure to avoid back injuries. If your job requires you to lift anything heavy, for example if you work at a factory where heavy objects are used all day, you should be particularly attentive to how you sit and how you perform the lifting task at work. You can improve your back health by performing stretching exercises and strengthening exercises to protect your back against strain and injury.