Many people are looking for ways to relieve or prevent back pain but the common belief is that if you just rest it will go away. This couldn’t be further from the truth. To truly cure your back pain, you need to find ways to strengthen your back muscles and abdomen muscles. Often times when a person is experiencing back pain, they will put a cold bag on their back which cuts off blood flow to the muscles in their abdomen. When you do this, the muscles are deprived of oxygen and thus, they become weaker over time.
By strengthening your back and abdominal muscles through exercise, you can improve your overall body mechanics. Your body mechanics are broken down into two areas: the front line muscles, also known as your Quads and the posterior line muscles, also known as your Transversus abdominis. These muscles help keep your spine in line with your hips and shoulders. Proper body mechanics are essential to having a healthy back, which is why strengthening these core muscles is so important.
It’s important to keep your spine in line with your hips. By strengthening your core you can improve your body mechanics and reduce your chances of experiencing back pain. There are many exercises that will help relieve your neck pain and strengthen your spine. The most common type of neck pain is a herniated disc, which is caused by poor body mechanics or spinal trauma. Exercises to help relieve this type of pain will also help strengthen your spine.