Physical therapists can help individuals suffering from both acute and chronic back pain by working with them to develop a proper exercise program that will address their particular back problems. The most common treatment method is physical therapy, which involves the use of therapeutic exercise equipment in order to stretch and strengthen muscles and soft tissues of the lower back. In some cases, manual therapy may also be used in order to help loosen the tight muscles of the spine. This therapy can be very beneficial as it helps to reduce inflammation, but it should always be combined with stretching exercises and other methods such as hot packs and ice bags that can help to ease stiffness and improve circulation.
Another method for addressing back pain issues is spinal decompression. Spinal decompression is a procedure that is designed to relieve pressure on specific areas of the spine by stretching out the ligaments and joints between the vertebrae. A physical therapist may recommend this type of therapy for individuals who have a history of back pain and/or severe stiffness. It has been shown to improve overall spine health and to also reduce pain and stiffness.
Low back pain sufferers are often at a higher risk for developing chronic back pain, as the symptoms can be extremely acute and require long-term maintenance in order to prevent serious complications. Physical therapists can help patients suffering from low back pain through a comprehensive program that addresses their specific needs, including strengthening the back muscles to prevent further damage and spinal decompression if necessary. Other treatment methods may also be recommended to treat chronic back pain, including medications and surgery. Individuals who are suffering from chronic back pain should never attempt to self-medicate and should consult with their doctor before attempting any new medical treatments for their back pain.