BackCare is now a UK medical research charity devoted to the well being of back issues. It was formed in 1969 as the National Back Pain Association in an effort to promote better back care and promote good practice in the medical profession. Back caregivers play an important role in coordinating treatment plans for back problems as well as advocating for patients with back conditions. The greatest benefit to patients is when back care professionals combine their understanding of health, science, psychology, and person skills to provide the best possible care for patients. Patients who have suffered injury or disease in their back are very often receptive to treatment options that seem so foreign to them.
There is an ongoing trend analysis that informs personnel on how to modify their daily living activities to facilitate their recoveries. This can include learning about new styles of lying down, exercise, moving, lifting and sleeping. There is also evidence-based back care advice on nutrition, weight management, pain management, instruction on stress management, and methods to decrease pain related to range of motion. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence (NICE) also has a weekly guideline for good back health, which is continually being reviewed and revised to make sure that care continues to be effective.
One of the trends that is being considered is the use of electronic devices for helping patients with back care. Electronic instructions or “virtual guidance” can help with daily living activities such as getting up and moving around to cooking dinner, performing household chores, and participating in one-on-one doctor/nurse visits. Such instructions can also be used with individuals experiencing chronic pain. Many patients are satisfied with the results of the instructions, and they find that they don’t have to give up the things that they love in order to improve their quality of life.